Selen Gülün

Selen Gülün - despite her young age - is already a star and one of the most important leading female musicians in Turkey. She started her education in music at Istanbul University State Conservatory at 1980 studied at Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory piano and composition. In 1996 she continued to study jazz composition at Berklee College of Music.


Selen combines her western musical education with her turkish soul - in her music the two sides of her (east - west, composer - performer) influence eacht other. The result is impressive, elegeant and dramatic.


She released already four albums with her own compositions, she plays piano and sings. Actually Selen works on her fifth. She released a music theory book and composed for the Berlin music ensemble TRE which will be released soon.


We interviewed Selen and asked her about her three wishes in life. The remarkable answer was: "I want to continue creating, performing ans sharing music with people until my last breath. I have been an expressive kind of person, even when I was a kid. And I was always into creating with using many different art forms. When I was a music student at early age, I was always imagining myself on the stage. Back then, I thought I was going to be a piano virtuose and play classical music literature with orchestras. I was even dreaming about my hair cut, outfit and moves. In time I may have become a Jazz / Contmporary music performer but my dream and expectations didn't change. I still want to create and perform. Music is my communication skill and I want to use it as much as I can.And while doingt that, I am wishing to become more and more flexible about understanding life. In time, I am hopint to become my "wish"!!! "


For mor details read more:


Selen Gülüns homepage ->


Some Videos of Selen: